Larry Jordan resides in Beverly and serves as the Commander of VFW Post 1093 in Ipswich. He also is a member of American Legion Post 80 in Ipswich and of the service dog organization Canine Companions. Larry has been instrumental in raising the profile of veterans services in Ipswich and was a leading force behind the highly successful 2024 D-Day parade and remembrance. Larry enjoys spending time with family, reading, painting, photography and traveling. His interests also include colonial history and assisting Vietnam veterans. Larry is a retired Director of Risk Management for Anheuser-Busch. Larry’s Rotary sponsor is Ipswich High School classmate Laurie Cameron.
We also welcomed a couple of dedicated humanitarians who recently transferred from the Lakes Region Rotary Club in Laconia, NH after moving to Ipswich to be near family. The Healy’s are sponsored by Community Service Chair Chris Davis.
Joe Healy served as Lakes Region Rotary Treasurer and was a frequent volunteer. His activities included serving lunch at the Laconia Salvation Army and supporting the club’s major fundraiser, an annual car show. Joe is a retired health care executive, including at Lahey Clinic, Harvard Community Health Plan, and as Chief Operating Officer at the Joslin Diabetes Center. He looks forward to bringing his experience to our service projects and partnering organizations such as The Open Door. Joe especially enjoys time boating, reading, traveling, and doting on his grandchildren.
Gina Healy is not only a former Rotarian, but also a past member of the Reading Lions Club. She loves giving back to the community and meeting like-minded, service oriented people. Her key interests are working with kids and food insecurity. In New Hampshire she volunteered at the Guilford Got Lunch Program and served monthly meals at the Salvation Army. In Reading, she was liaison to the Leo’s, the Lions sponsored High School Club. Gina spent her career in education, most notably as Principal of Blind Brook High School in Rye Brook, NY and as Assistant Superintendent in the Bedford, NY school district. When not volunteering, Gina enjoys hiking, boating, traveling, and choral music both as a performer and section leader.
In the photo - Joe Healy, Gina Healy, President Tom Murphy, and Larry Jordan
(Photo by Bob Snow)
Rowley, MA 01969
United States of America