Veterans Day
A message from President Brad Clark: Rotarians of Ipswich may duly honor our military veterans by lending our presence at
The Annual Ipswich Veterans Day Parade
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
- Gather at the War Memorial at 10:15 AM on the Memorial Green (near Hall-Haskell Visitors Center)
- Flag Raising Ceremony and Speakers at 10:30 AM
- Parade from War Memorial to the V.F.W. at 11:00 AM
- Flag Raising Ceremony at V.F.W. with U.S. Rep Brad Hill &
- New Veteran's Agent for Town of Ipswich, Ryan Lennon
- At the end of the parade at the VFW, enjoy Hot Dogs and Bake Bean Luncheon Free to ALL
- FYI, All Veterans invited to Complimentary Luncheon at The Hart House at 1:30 PM.