In honor of Earth Day this past weekend, Ipswich-Rowley Rotarians planted 15 trees at two Ipswich Housing Authority properties, on County Road and at Caroline Avenue. This effort began last year, when Rotarians noted the lack of natural shade while installing air conditioners. Rotary then contacted Corliss Brothers Nursery who generously donated the trees planted this year. We also are grateful to the Ipswich Department of Public Works, who transported and installed the trees. On Saturday, and again Monday, Rotarians returned to add water bags, known as gaiters, and mulch, and to water the trees.
The donated trees are native species and part of our Centennial giving project, recognizing the club’s 100 years of service to the community. Additional trees were donated by the Ipswich Shade Tree and Beautification Committee.
The planting is part of a major renovation of the Southern Heights area by the Housing Authority that will enhance the appearance of their grounds and improve the quality of life for residents living there. Going forward, the Housing Authority intends to encourage resident volunteers to water and help care for the trees. This project truly is a collaborative effort.
Chris Davis, Chair of Rotary’s Community Service Committee, coordinated the project for Rotary. The other Rotarians who volunteered were Sr Leonore Coan, John and Diane Herth, Cindy Quinn, and Jim Tedford.

On the right, Sr Leonore Coan, Diane Herth, and Jim Tedford, at Caroline Avenue