Again this year, Rotarians teamed up with The Open Door Food Panty in Ipswich to deliver about 20 holiday meal baskets (including turkey dinners) and grocery orders to shut-in neighbors in Ipswich and Rowley who otherwise might not have a holiday meal.
Due to Covid restrictions, the traditional ticketed pickup at Agawam Village was replaced by direct delivery.
Participating (left to right) were Ann and John Witzig, Steve and Ingrid Miles, Chris Davis, and Sr. Lenore Coan. Unavailable for the photo was Tom Murphy, who arrived early and delivered the most food.
Participating (left to right) were Ann and John Witzig, Steve and Ingrid Miles, Chris Davis, and Sr. Lenore Coan. Unavailable for the photo was Tom Murphy, who arrived early and delivered the most food.
Thanks to all the Rotarians who participated in our food delivery service project this holiday season.