Donations are picked up at one of the drop-off locations, Brookline Bank on Market Street. Seen in the photo are Rotarians John Witzig and Heidi VonAsch, the bank's branch manager, along with John's son Matt.
Ipswich-Rowley Rotary completed its ’25 Days of Kindness’ food drive for The Open Door food pantry last week. The Gloucester based food assistance organization serves all of Cape Ann and also owns and operates a pantry in Ipswich.
Once again, our month-long annual drive was a big success. Over 2,100 food items and household products were collected, totaling over 1,000 pounds of groceries delivered to the Open Door last Thursday. All of this was made possible through the generosity of Rotarians and local residents.
We are deeply grateful to our local sponsors and supporting organizations that promoted the drive and provided drop-off locations. These include BankGloucester, Brookline Bank, the Institution for Savings, Ipswich YMCA, Manchester Athletic Club, and the Winthrop Elementary School. Our special thanks also go out to Rotarian John Witzig and his son Matt for picking up and delivering three large loads of groceries to The Open Door.
Once again, our month-long annual drive was a big success. Over 2,100 food items and household products were collected, totaling over 1,000 pounds of groceries delivered to the Open Door last Thursday. All of this was made possible through the generosity of Rotarians and local residents.
We are deeply grateful to our local sponsors and supporting organizations that promoted the drive and provided drop-off locations. These include BankGloucester, Brookline Bank, the Institution for Savings, Ipswich YMCA, Manchester Athletic Club, and the Winthrop Elementary School. Our special thanks also go out to Rotarian John Witzig and his son Matt for picking up and delivering three large loads of groceries to The Open Door.

YMCA Executive Director and Rotarian Chris Bevilacqua drops off food prior to the Rotary club meeting at the Pancake House in Rowley on Feb 3.

Members of a Winthrop School leadership club, under the guidance of teacher advisor Ysabelle Errico, celebrate their outstanding contribution to the food drive.