I am extremely privileged to be able to serve the club as President again for the first four months of our 2020 – 2021 Rotary year! I thoroughly enjoyed serving as your President in 2016-2017 and I am looking forward to the next four months.
Our Rotary club is extremely special – we are truly a Rotary family! We all work hard to do our best to hold true to our Rotary Mission of providing service to others, promoting integrity, and advancing world understanding, goodwill, and peace. But what makes our club truly amazing is the respect and admiration we have for each other …. we are a family.
My goal during my four months as President is to get every member engaged in the club by serving on a committee, volunteering for projects, or attracting new members. When I first joined the Ipswich/ Rowley Rotary Club in 2010, I received a call from the Rotarian I admire the most and the one who has been my mentor over the years, Bob Wicks. Bob called me because I was a new member of the club and he talked to me for a while. He wanted to know what my interests were and what committee I thought I would enjoy serving on. Since that day, I have been on the Membership Committee, Chaired the Fundraising Committee, served on the Board many times, served as Vice President, President Elect, President, Past President and now President. Bob knew what he was talking about when he said, “You have to get all members engaged and not only engaged in club activities, but engaged in things they enjoy.” So this is my mission over the next few months!!!