Ipswich Rotary has selected the Clark family as our 2016 Persons of the Year.

The Clark family fought hard to bring Narcon, a life-saving opiate reversal agent drug, to the police department. They have appeared in countless public information forums with law enforcement and health officials. One of these led to a Rotary District Grant for a second DARE officer at the Middle School. Drawing from his own experience and credibility, Jared devotes much of his spare time to effectively counselling drug users. David and Cheryl started and lead an Ipswich Chapter of “Learn to Cope”, a “non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates and other drugs”.
As well as any family in Ipswich, the Clarks understand that this health tragedy can strike anywhere and that the consequences are heartbreaking and sometimes fatal. Responding to the call, this dedicated and compassionate family is saving Ipswich lives and families every day.
We cannot think of anyone in our service area that better represents the Rotary principle of “Service Above Self”.
Ipswich Rotarians are dedicated to improving lives and community in Ipswich and Rowley. The Clarks will be formally honored and thanked at a club sponsored event in June.