Last Saturday morning, the Rowley Police and Fire departments, local leaders and citizens, and several Ipswich-Rowley Rotarians gathered at the newly refurbished Rowley 911 Memorial to honor the Rowley residents who perished during the terrorist attacks 20 years ago. Just like that fateful day in 2001, the weather on Saturday morning was beautiful; a perfect day to remember the friends and neighbors who were lost. In the photo above, Ipswich-Rowley Rotary President Clint Dalton contributes his dedicatory remarks.
Once again this year, the gorgeous flowers were donated by Country Gardens of Rowley. The flag flew at half staff on the brand new flag pole erected by the town with financial help from the Rotary Club.

To get everything ready for last Saturday, a group of Rotarians and family members gathered at the site on September 4 to prepare the memorial and place the new plantings.

Rotarians and family members seen in the September 4 photo above are John Witzig, Cindy Quinn, Keith Harris, John and Ann's son Matt Witzig, Ann Witzig, Bob Snow, Rich Seltenrich, Rich's son and Kathy Frederick.
Photos by Rotarians Bob Snow and John Muldoon.