Posted by David Hart
on Feb 26, 2016 (reprinted from the District 7930 Website)

Ms. Kelleher will enroll in the Master's Program, Environment, Politics, and Globalization. This program fits very nicely with Rotary International’s area of focus; Economic and Community Development. While attending Kings College London, Ms. Kelleher will also design and implement a “Service Project” which will have a positive and sustainable effect on the local community. Ms. Kelleher’s service project will show the correlation between low-income individuals, health, environmental issues and success in obtaining a job that provides a sustainable wage.
This year we had five (including Ms. Kelleher) very strong candidates. All of which, we believe, will affect a positive change in our world. All candidates were required to complete the Global Grant application, provide a resume, provide two letters of reference, college transcripts, admission to a Masters or Doctorate program and a concept for a service project within the RI six areas of focus. Lastly, a candidate needs to have a strong knowledge of Rotary and how Rotary could assist them in their future endeavors.
An interview committee was formed which included the incoming District Governor (2016-2017) Sheryl Meehan, current Foundation Chair Ingrid Brown, current Outgoing Global Grant Scholarship Chair David Hart, District Governor-Nominee David Gardner, and Lexington Rotarian Doug Holmes.
All candidates were interviewed on Saturday March 20, 2016 and the committee made its decision on the same day. District 7930 and the interview committee was proud of the caliber of candidates this year and wants to offer congratulations to our winner Kristen Kelleher. Ms. Kelleher is and will continue to be a champion of the Rotary motto “Service Above Self”.