As he has for many years, Rotarian Keith Harris serves as their Rotary Advisor. Faculty member Michelle Barclay begins her third year as the Faculty Advisor. The officers for 2020-21 are President Audrey Berger, Vice President Louisa Roesler, Treasurer Sam Orroth, and Secretary Rowan Galanis. Board member Angelina Rix also was on hand for the virtual presentation. Harris commented on the solidarity of the club, which despite Covid-19 restrictions had 35 members at their first Zoom meeting. He also commended the club and its leaders for their commitment and teamwork.
To kick off the year, the Interact club has initiated two projects: the “Interact Community Service Fair”, and an “Oral History” project with the Ipswich Council on Aging.
The ‘Service Fair” project will reach out to local businesses, non-profits, and town government seeking volunteer opportunities and possible internships for students. The goal is to help Ipswich students fulfill the requirement of 30 hours of community service by the end of their junior year or beginning of the senior year. Students will be encouraged to “advocate for themselves” and to “enhance their communication skills and build their character”.
This project is a continuation of one initiated last year under the leadership of then President Kayla Laddin, but interrupted by the pandemic outbreak.
Students will join the event through a series of Zoom fairs. Representatives from participating businesses and organizations will be invited to the appropriate fair. Interested business partners will be sent a brief Google Form survey in which they can describe their opportunities. Students also will receive a Google Form to assess their interest and allocate them to the appropriate fair. The target date to hold the fairs is October 21.
Interested business and non-profit leaders are urged to contact President Audrey at 21bergera@ipsk12.net ASAP.
In the “Oral History” project, students are conducting a series of video interviews with senior citizens. When completed, the club will share the videos with appropriate community outlets, such as ICAM, and on the Ipswich Rotary website.
Seen in the front of the High School are the 2020-21 Interact officers: President Audrey Berger, Vice President Louisa Roesler, Secretary Rowan Galanis, and Treasurer Sam Orroth