To all the hardy volunteers who braved the cold rain on race day, we owe a debt of thanks. These sturdy souls endured unseasonable conditions to ensure the safety of the runners during the 2024 'Ipswich Ale Half Marathon'. Their persistence and diligence went a long way to make the annual event a success
Ipswich-Rowley Rotary plans to do just when they host an appreciation buffet dinner at the Ipswich Inn on June 4.
Rotarians seen in the photo, from left are President Elect Tom Murphy, Chris Davis, Race Coordinator Andy Ellis, Kathy Frederick, John Witzig, President Ann Witzig, Susanne Petersen, Paula Bishop, John Herth (behind Paula), Diane Herth, Susie Ellis, Ivan Ndanga, Martha Mauser, Ted Garside, Lisa Shanko, and Mary Foote-Hill.
Other Rotarians on hand to brave the elements in 'Service Above Self' but unavailable for the group photo were Laurie Cameron, Rev Brad Clark, Dottie Levesque, Katie Platt, Diane and Jim Tedford.
And, finally, we want to again congratulate all the intrepid runners! For them, it seemed like just another day at the races as they bravely 'stormed the Castle' at Castle Hill in 2024.