Agawam Village Bus Stop Shelter to be Dedicated
on Sep 06, 2014
The newly installed bus stop shelter at Agawam Village on County Road (Route 1A) will be formally dedicated on Monday, September 8. The ceremony will begin at 8 am, and the community is invited to participate.
This project was made possible thanks to the Rotary Club of Ipswich; The Ipswich Family YMCA; Agawam Village Housing Authority; The Youth Group of Ascension Memorial Church; D.L. Clark, Inc.; Tedford’s True Value Hardware; Cape Ann Sign; the Conservation Committee of the Town of Ipswich; and special thanks to Bill Skelton.
In the photos: the new shelter is guided into place by Rotarian Dave Clark and a team of volunteers on Friday, August 29, 2014. The old County Road shelter showed years of wear and tear.
This project was made possible thanks to the Rotary Club of Ipswich; The Ipswich Family YMCA; Agawam Village Housing Authority; The Youth Group of Ascension Memorial Church; D.L. Clark, Inc.; Tedford’s True Value Hardware; Cape Ann Sign; the Conservation Committee of the Town of Ipswich; and special thanks to Bill Skelton.
In the photos: the new shelter is guided into place by Rotarian Dave Clark and a team of volunteers on Friday, August 29, 2014. The old County Road shelter showed years of wear and tear.