Food insecurity in Ipswich and Rowley is a growing problem, compounded by job and income losses during the on-going pandemic. Too many of our neighbors cannot afford to buy good healthy food for themselves and their families. And, to make matters worse, donations to local food pantries tend to drop off after the holidays.
So, this year, the club decided to move our annual ‘25 Days of Giving’ to January. Last month, Rotarians assisted several Ipswich families by delivering holiday dinner gift baskets from The Open Door food pantry. This month, Rotarians will have an opportunity to help The Open Door reach even more local families in need and put healthy meals on their tables this winter.

Reminder, no glass containers please.
As in the past, we rely of the generosity of every Rotarian to help to make this effort a success!
While Rotary meets virtually during January, drop off locations for the '25 Days of Kindness' have been set up at the Ipswich YMCA on County Road, the Brookline Bank on Market Street, Bank Gloucester on High Street, and the Institution for Savings in Depot Square.
Donations will be accepted through Thursday, February 3.