2015-16 Board of Directors Elected
Posted by Bob Wicks
on Jan 05, 2015
At the club’s Annual Meeting in December, the Ipswich Rotary Club elected its Officers and Directors for 2015-16. Beginning on July 1, the leadership team will be:
Lisa Shanko, President
Bob Gravino, President Elect
George Gray, Vice President
Ingrid Miles, Vice President – Rotary Foundation
Ted Garside, Treasurer
Ray Katzen, Secretary
Directors will be: Gerry Beauchamp, Laurie Cameron, Sr. Leonore Coan, Russ Cole, Mary Foote-Hill (also Assistant Secretary), Deb Mahoney, and The Rev. Brad Clark, Immediate Past President.
The Ipswich Rotary Club is blessed in having substantial depth in leadership. We offer our thanks and best wishes to these newly elected members and to all the candidates who have committed themselves to making a
difference in our club and to the services we provide in Ipswich and Rowley.

From left: Deb Mahoney, Rev. Brad Clark, Ted Garside, Sr. Leonore Coan, Lisa Shanko, Bob Gravino, George Gray, Ingrid Miles, Mary Foote-Hill, Laurie Cameron, Gerry Beauchamp. Unavailable for the photo were Russ Cole and Ray Katzen.