
I am honored to join the ranks of so many distinguished past presidents of the Ipswich-Rowley Rotary Club. Starting in our first president in 1923, Walter Hayward – who was also a former Town Moderator – to such famous Ipswich names as Whipple (1930), Porter (1940), and Tedford (1952) and right on down to the more recent luminaries such as Ingrid Miles, Clint Dalton and Cushing Titcomb.
I look forward to doing my level best to maintain the integrity of this Club as they established it in the years before me: first, by continuously posing the cardinal query of Rotary – asking if something is the truth and, by calling out untruths (particularly in these days when that is far too common); second, by implementing an orderly process for our Board of Directors so they might make sound decisions about marshaling and distributing our resources in a way that is fair to all concerned; and third, by carrying out the tradition of community involvement that is beneficial to all concerned.
After all, helping our neighbors – especially those in need – brings us closer to each other as it reminds us that we are all in this together; that we have more in common than that which divides us, and given the recent turn of events that is so very important.
I am grateful for the Club for having entrusted me with this position, I will do my level best to fulfill my obligations to the Club and the district, and I look forward to working with all of you toward a better future.
Tom Murphy,
President 2024-25